Becoming a Councillor
Are you interested in joining the Parish Council?
A councillor is a member of the Parish Council and is normally elected for a term of four years. People of any political or religious persuasion are eligible to become a councillor for Hockering although their personal or political views should not extend into their parish council work.
Becoming a Parish Councillor is a rewarding and valued form of public service. All councillors contribute to the work of the Parish Council by:
Having a say about the things they care about
Putting forward ideas for better services
Responding to the needs and views of parishioners
Seeking the best outcome to local issues
Getting involved in decision making
Helping to make Hockering a better place to live!
We normally meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the Village Hall. Meetings commence at 7.30pm lasting around 1-2 hours. Councillors are expected to attend meetings on a regular basis.
Our Co-option Policy will give you more information which includes a simple Co-option Application form. If you are successful in becoming a Parish Councillor, helpful training is available and the Clerk and other Councillors will be happy to guide you or advise on procedures.
The Role of a Councillor
A good parish or town council plays a vital role in representing the interests of the community it serves. It will improve the quality of life for its residents and for the local environment, delivering services to meet local needs and influencing decision makers, for example in planning matters. The council will work as a team and each councillor is a valued team member!
A Parish Councillor effectively represents the parish. They will champion the causes which relate to the interests and sustainability of the area and will campaign for improve-ments in the quality of life of those living in, working in, or visiting the area. A Parish Councillor will be supported by training and development to help them to fulfil the requirements of their role.
Local Councils are made up of locally elected Councillors. Whether elected or co-opted, they will stand as a Councillor for the term of office which is 4 years (i.e May 2023 - May 2027) although they can resign at any time. A Parish Councillor must comply with the statutory requirements of a councillor. This means that they must complete a Declaration of Acceptance of Office before starting as a Councillor and they must agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. A Parish Councillor must attend all meetings, or should give their apologies and the reasons for their absence to the Parish Clerk. A Parish Councillor will contribute to an effective meeting by briefing themselves ahead of the meeting - reading the agenda, minutes and supporting information. They will participate at a meeting giving their ideas and knowledge to help in the decision-making process. Specialised knowledge or skills are greatly valued. A Parish Councillor cannot make decisions on their own. They will contibute to the formation of the Council's policies and plans by actively involving themselves in meetings. A Parish Councillor may act as a representative on outside bodies, reporting back to council on their activities.
Here are a few of the activities and causes you might become involved with as a Parish Councillor:
The Parish Council is a consultee in respect of planning applications and the planning policies which guide the decisions made by the planning authorities. A Parish Council may help to formulate its own planning rules for its area through a Neighbourhood Plan. A Parish Council will pass back its views on planning applications to the District Council.
A Parish Council responds to consultations which could change the quality of life of their constituents, for example: the Norfolk County Council budget; Child Care provision; mobile libraries; highway maintenance.
A Parish Council sets its own budget and agrees a precept to help meet its financial requirements. A budget will be based on agreed actions, for example: refurbishing a play area; commissioning a new village sign; maintaining communal areas.
A Parish Council may become involved with projects and activities such as the commemoration of WWII or the Coronation.
A Parish Council will have contact with key stakeholders in their community, for example: the police, local employers and service providers.